
Kip&Co X frank green - A Limited Edition Collection

We've teamed up with the award winning, sustainability product powerhouse frank green to bring you a colourful collection in three iconic Kip&Co prints. Making the switch to reusable for a better future never looked brighter! 

Founded in Melbourne in 2014 by Benjamin Young, frank green was born to stop single-use plastics. So, they create beautifully designed, functional, and innovative sustainable products that fit into your life, and that you love to use, and re-use, over and over again. frank green want to give people around the world the power and desire to make easy, sustainable change. All of their products are designed in Australia with 60% also made in Australia.


Here at Kip&Co sustainable and ethical considerations always come first, that’s why we are super excited to be partnering with a like-minded business. How does making the switch to a Frank Green reusable cup / drink bottle help in reducing your carbon footprint?

If you use your frank green product every day for 15 days, you will offset the environmental impact of making it. How easy is that? And if you continue to use your reusable cup or bottle every day for a year, you’ve prevented 365 disposables from ending up in landfill. Any small change can make a significant difference. In addition, at the end of their very long lives, frank green products can be recycled in the household recycling bin and go on to become something else extraordinary. The beauty of the circular economy!

Plastic free July is right around the corner and is a great way to kick start your personal commitment to reducing your carbon footprint. Did you know that one million tonnes of Australia's annual plastic waste consumption is single-use plastic? frank green’s goal is to significantly reduce that figure. See their top tips below to get you started on a plastic-free journey. 

1. Switch to reusable bags 

It's an easy one to forget, but grab any spare bag you have lying around at home and keep it on you for when you're out and about. Even better if you can fold it up small and leave it in your pocket! 

2. Say no to products wrapped in plastic 

When grocery shopping, opt for the products that aren't pre-packaged in plastic and bring your own produce bags for vegetables and fruit. Also, see if there's any bulk food stores in your local area as they usually don't have any single-use plastic instore. 

3. Bring food containers for takeaway orders 

Call the cafe/restaurant in advance to see if they take reusable containers, and go in early so they can serve the food straight into your container. It's also handy to have these if you don’t finish your meal and need to store leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch. 

4. Choose refillable products 

A lot of household products, cleaning products, and even beauty products all come with refillable options these days. Meaning that once your original product runs out, you just keep the outer packaging and then top up the product only – which, in turn, helps to reduce the amount of single-use plastic required. 

5. Use loose-leaf tea instead of teabags 

Teabags contain plastic, and unfortunately can't be recycled or composted. So if you invest in a great tea infuser or teapot, you'll never need tea bags again! Creating these habits can take time, so frank green believes the best way to achieve these tips is being mindful and prepared. 

For example, if you dedicate extra time in the morning to reflect on the day ahead, you can prepare your bag with reusables in case you grab a coffee, buy last-minute groceries, or need to take home leftover food. Always think about what you already have at home before you make a new purchase too.